Like many businesses during the 2020 pandemic, I took a proverbial beating. While 2021 was an improvement, it could have been better. I was sharing my disappointment with a good friend when she interrupted me.

“Do you have a roof over your head?” “Yes”. I had an idea what direction our conversation was about to move in. “Do you know how many people DON’T?” I felt my thoughts starting to shift.

“Do you have food on the table every day?” “Yes” “Do you know that many people DON’T?” More of my thoughts shifted.

The bombardment of questions continued until I had my “a-ha!” moment – it’s all about being aware of what you let yourself think about.  She then shared this:

Anger and happiness can’t exist in your head at the same time. The same goes for feelings of lack and feelings of gratitude. It’s all about what you choose to focus on.

That made sense to me, but I needed to know HOW to shift my focus. Here’s a condensed version of the answer:

Buy a notebook or a special journal. Every morning, write down five things that you’re grateful for. Review that list a few times during your day. You don’t always need to write down huge life events. ANYTHING that you are grateful for works.

Having a bed to sleep in. Your friends. That first cup of coffee in the morning. Pets. Your Facebook family. Watching the sun rise. Watching the sun set. Your most comfortable pair of pajamas and any other happy things that you can think of.

When you shift your focus, you shift your actions. Your days become happier and more productive. I hope this exercise in gratitude helps you bounce back from those “down days” and enhances your good days.