Idea Climbing® Podcast Episode 40

Storytelling is a popular subject.  While many people will tell you how important it is, few will tell you HOW to craft compelling stories. Recently I spoke with Michael Davis, a speech and storytelling coach, about how to create compelling stories even if you’re a novice at doing so.

Back in 2002 Michael met Darin, the World Champion of Public Speaking at Toastmasters. Michael wanted his speeches and stories to be perfect. Darin told him “Done is more profitable than perfect”.  This means that you have to get your product or service out there, and not wait until you think it’s perfect because it never will be. This helped Michael eliminate some of the stress with bringing his speeches into the market.

What does this mean to a B2B services company? We discussed leveraging networking events to hone your pitch, or better yet tell your story. After a brief conversation, if the other person doesn’t ask you to share more or ask for your business card – that’s feedback. That means your message isn’t landing with them. At that point you should try something else with the next person that you speak with. If you don’t get a great response from your latest marketing efforts, try something else. Don’t dig your heels in with a message that doesn’t resonate with your audiences. Keep honing your explanation until people lean in and ask you for more information.

As a storytelling coach Michael believes that stories are the #1 tool we have in our marketing tool bag. Your story is the only asset that you have that nobody else can duplicate. Your life and business experiences are your own and yours only to share if you want to connect with people in a meaningful way.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • Why people don’t care about your offering unless you can solve a problem that they have. Michael shares how you can craft a story to describe the solution that you can offer them.
  • How to have your clients to give you the marketing message you that you need to grow your business.
  • Why listening more than you speak will build more business relationships.
  • What NOT to do when approaching a potential client.
  • Two questions to ask yourself after every sales conversation.
  • …and more golden nuggets of advice!

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Michael Davis is a highly sought after presentation skills coach, author and speaker. He has trained business leaders, sales professional, professional speakers and TEDx speakers on four continents to deliver talks that have been viewed over 3 million times. He is also a faculty member and coach at Stage Time University and Rooftop Leadership.

His work is focused on helping you attract more clients, create more efficient teams, and increase your influence through more effective speaking, business storytelling and online presentations. He helps experienced speakers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals confidently deliver memorable and meaningful talks of any length, even on short notice.

Connect with Michael on LinkedIn here or visit his website here