Today we’re discussing Tik Tok for business and my guest is Alex Hitt. How did Alex get involved with Tik Tok and get to where he is today? He embraced the latest trend. Most businesses don’t know what to do with Tik Tok. Alex moved to Hawaii in 2021 with no real estate experience and sold $3 million worth of real estate through social media with people he had never met before, much of that as a result of Tik Tok. He now coaches over 100 businesses about how to build your business on Tik Tok.

Why Should Businesses Be on Tik Tok?

One myth is that it’s only for teenagers and people looking for attention. While it may have started that way Tik Tok is much more than that now. Over 70% of people currently on Tik Tok are over the age of 20.

Tik Tok is the most downloaded app in the last three years, and definitely the most downloaded app of 2022. People use it on an average of 60 minutes per day, which is higher than any other social media platform. Yet 99% of businesses are not advertising on Tik Tok.

One barrier is that many businesses are used to advertising with images and text, which they can outsource at a reasonable rate. Tik Tok is short form video. Video can be expensive to outsource, which means companies should learn how to do it for themselves. The good news is that successful Tik Tok videos can, and probably should, be made on your phone.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • How to get started with posting on Tik Tok.
  • How to find and target your ideal audience on Tik Tok.
  • The ideal length of your videos for the platform.
  • …and more golden nuggets of advice!

About The Guest








Alex brings more attention and care to coaching businesses on online marketing. Alex is an international award-winning hotel manager, turned social media influencer, and coach. Alex brings hospitality to marketing giving clients unparalleled access to the top creators online. He demystifies social media growth and shows clients step-by-step, click-by-click, exactly what to do online.