Some mornings I’m not too excited to get out of bed. The to-do list in my head is too long and I don’t know where to start.  I’ve read many books about to do lists, writing things out at night and in the morning and other techniques. They leave me with a bunch of overwhelming tasks.

The quote “Purpose is an Incredible Alarm Clock” helped to shift my mindset. Instead of dreading the long list of what I HAVE to do I focus on what I GET to do, and WHY I love doing what I do. Think about this in your own life. Think about the difference between “HAVE to do” versus “GET to do”. The latter almost frames what you get to do as a gift. It can be something to look forward to. If you still dread things on your list, you might want to consider eliminating them entirely as soon as possible. Why spend time doing something that you dislike or even worse hate doing? Life’s too short.

Now I align with a purpose, something greater than myself that is much more motivating than any task list. Whenever I think about adding something to my list, I ask myself “WHY am I going to do this?” If it’s more than a brief, menial task, or something I truly dislike that doesn’t connect to my purpose it doesn’t go on the list. This includes prospecting. If after an initial conversation with a potential client if I’m not enthusiastic about working with them, I don’t take the relationship any further.

While not every morning is amazing (I wish), that mindset shift has added hours of productivity to my week along with a lot more happiness and satisfaction. I’m more grateful each day. If you’re anything like me, and you aren’t a big fan of mornings in general, I hope this post shifts your mindset (at least a little bit) to looking forward to some early mornings and boosts to your productivity.