Idea Climbing® Podcast Episode 43

If you’re not careful negative people can rain on your parade and hold you back. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid those things. That’s what I discuss during this episode with my guest, Brittany Anderson.

Brittany’s current big idea is the creation of the “Dream Architect Movement”. Her primary role is helping people manage their money. She is driven to do more than just that; she is also helping people decide what they want to do with their lives. She helps them answer tough questions such as “What do you want to accomplish?” and “What are your aspirations in spite of what other people have told you?” When people share a big idea, they’re often met with resistance and even criticism. The other person might say “That’s too big of an idea” or “That’s not possible”. That’s where the Dream Architect Movement comes in. The process supports people that want to embrace possibility.

Why is this movement so important to her? Both Brittany and the founder of their company, Bryan, grew up with single mothers in tight financial situations. Instead of succumbing to their life circumstances they both decided to go in a different direction by choosing success over failure. While it wasn’t easy, they made it happen. Brittany said “It doesn’t matter what happens to you in life, what matters is that you set your eyes on the future. What matters is the pursuit of all that’s possible”.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • How to stop negative self-talk dead in its tracks by focusing on the three components self-awareness.
  • Why acting as if you’ve already achieved your goals will help you achieve them faster.
  • Why surrounding yourself with the wrong people will hold you back in life and what to do about it.
  • How to create “stories about moments of impact”.
  • How to balance your personal and professional lives while chasing your dreams.
  • …and more golden nuggets of advice!

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About The Guest









Brittany Anderson is the President and Shareholder of a top-ranked financial services firm, Sweet Financial Partners. Having more than a decade’s worth of experience in her field, she has taken her business building and team engaging insights, and has worked with CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Authors. Brittany is also the co-creator of the Ultimate Advisor Coaching and Ultimate Advisor Mastermind Platforms. Her insights have been featured in national media outlets such as the Huffington Post, Women, Inc & Forbes magazine.

She has shared her expertise through her contribution to three published books and will continue on with her love for writing as she is set to publish two additional books in 2022. As an influential speaker and author, Brittany Anderson has spoken at Million Dollar Round Table, Raymond James National Conference, EWAS and others on showing up each day to be more than a title, more than a label, and pursuing a life that fulfills their purpose.

Here are the ways that you can connect with Brittany: – Resources – Company Website

[email protected]