“Forget about me – let’s talk about you” makes for a great quote…

It’s also great advice to brighten your day; think about the last time you helped someone.  How did you feel afterwards?  How did the rest of your day go?


For this to happen we need a temporary paradigm shift.  When most people have conversations a large portion of those conversations are about… themselves.  A great way to help someone else shine is to do something dramatically different: Ask them how they’re doing.  Ask them what they’ve been up to.  Ask them what fun projects or exciting endeavors they’re working on.

Then listen.

Once you learn about something they’re proud of – share it with other people.  Help spread the word about your friend’s achievements.

You might be thinking “Sounds like a good idea… But where would I begin?”

Here’s a few opportunities for you…


Pick up the phone (or open your email, whichever you prefer) and reach out to someone.  Let them know you’re just checking in (maybe you haven’t talked for a while or maybe you just want to say hi).  Per what we just said above, find out what they’re up to AND tell them you’d like to know if you can help them with anything they’re working on these days; maybe you can help them directly or maybe you can introduce them to someone who can help.  This could help them solve a problem (which is always a good way to shine) and will at least leave them with a smile and a great view of you as a colleague or friend.  Maybe they don’t need help and you can leave them with a “congratulations!” for something they did.


When you’re talking in a group at networking events bring up another person’s (who’s there with you in the group) recent success at work.  Share how and why they did it and let them take it from there.  If you aren’t sure of their most recent success – ask them in front of other people.  When you start the conversation they’re not bragging about themselves; they’re just answering your question.  Trust me, they’ll be glad you asked.


  • Write a Facebook post about someone you admire that is making things happen – this could mean big business ventures or volunteering for a local nonprofit; congratulate them and tag them in your post.
  • On Twitter you can do the same thing and then include their handle in your tweet.
  • If you have a blog you have a great opportunity to create content: Interview someone about their recent success – and ask them how they did it.  Have them offer advice so other people can create success also.  Then put that blog link out onto your other social media channels.

All of this probably sounds simple – and it is.  But think about it: When is the last time you took any of the actions above?  We all get busy and a little reminder can go a long way; just like a quick conversation can change someone’s day.

Who can you reach out to today?

Who can you help shine – which will leave you with a smile when you do?