Think about those people who changed your life; the people that have affected your life in (what you consider to be) amazing ways.

The people who changed your life the most probably didn’t do so as the result of a dollars and cents equation or a professional calculation; they (probably) simply inspired you.

Or, better yet, POWERFULLY inspired you.  Inspired you to take action.  Inspired you do chase a dream.  Inspired you to do something, even the smallest thing, because you loved doing it.

Think about one of these people in your life right now (or that you might have lost touch with) and turn the tables.

Inspire THEM.  Thank THEM for what they did for you.  Inspire THEM to keep doing that magical thing for other people.

Make a phone call.  Send an email.  Write a letter.  You get the idea…


“The greatest inspiration in life is to be an inspiration to others…”